well... I got one:

tony seth lp800 at samobile.net
Sat Feb 2 07:50:54 EST 2008

Hi all:  I got an Asus eee, the 4 gig one, as I couldn't get the eight 
gigger... and got into the bios all right, with a bit of help, probably 
one of the easiest ones I've ever had to deal with, but after getting 
the live ubuntu cd to run, decided to take a peek at the flash drive's 
partitions, and discovered two linux partitions, and a couple of fat 
partitions too.  The question I have now,, is can I delete all the 
partitions safely without killing the bios, an odd question I know, but 
wasn't sure if the bios stuff is on the flash drive, or is it separate?
The other curiosity is that although grml works, the latest one, using 
espeak, I get the message "error: oss failed to load mixer device" when 
starting swspeak, and of course I can't turn up any of the volumes.  Is 
anyone else using grml on an asus eee?  Thanks much for any help with 
this critter, I like it already... Cheereo!

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