my system earlier was hacked

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Mon May 21 21:31:36 EDT 2007

I wouldn't have thought so except that web access attempts on my local 
system were being redirected to  Now the 
interesting thing about the page I was redirected to is that the hackers 
must have cut spelling class regularly; they spelled technical techincal. 
There is no way verizon with its professional employees and its good image 
to protect would ever willingly or knowingly put up a web page with such a 
mistake on it like that. In any case the system has been reinstalled and 
is shortly about to be backed up to another hard drive.  If that ever 
happens again, I'll let clamav run to its absolute end since it may be 
able to tell us what that was that did that.

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