FC 6 disk problems.

Nick Gawronski nick at nickgawronski.com
Thu Mar 15 19:40:00 EDT 2007

Hi, Does fedora core 6 have speakup support during installation?  How is
one to install it with no speech support and is it possible to rebuild
the DVD iso for speech support?On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Darragh Ó Héiligh

> Hello,
> I've downloaded both the 5 disk images and the one DVD image but I
> have not had any luck with the installation.  With the CD's I get an
> error about a missing open office rpm as it's starting installation
> and still on disk one after checking dependancies.  When I use the DVD
> I get errors at the starting anaconda stage just after the media test.
> I haven't actually tested the media.  I'm just going to wait for
> another two hours or so and reburn the DVD to see if I get any further
> with that but can anyone shed some light on this in the mean time?
> It's late-ish here so I'll probably retackle this in about eight hours time.
> Thanks
> Darragh
> Blog at www.digitaldarragh.com
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