OT: saytime program

Cheryl Homiak chomiak at myfreedombox.com
Thu Mar 1 04:30:33 EST 2007

Hi all.

In the last few weeks I had both linux machines' hard drives die. both 
are up and running again, but I had a wonderful program called 
"saytime" which I apparently did not back up and can not find on the 
Internet. I think it was a .tgz or tar.gz file with the executable and 
sound files. The only version I can now find online is very old and has 
a Makefile and won't compile--no surprise since the date on it is 1996. 
Debian has a saytime program but it's pitiful compared to the one I've 
lost; the voice was so nice and the rate was relatively clear. If 
anybody knows what I am talking about and still has this program and 
would send it to me, I would be deeply indebted to you.


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