Assistance with a dual-core machine.

Jan Buchal buchal at
Sun Jun 24 16:36:32 EDT 2007

>>>>> "KH" == Keith Hinton <keithint38 at> writes:

    KH> Hello all on the ilst, At this time, (although) I am sure that
    KH> CVS SpeechD-up/Dispatcher sounds great, I do not wish to test
    KH> it..and would rather run stable releases of the code.

so you must wait to the stable release which come I hope soon. Now are
all bug fixes in CVS and beforethe  stable release we need test it.
Regarding dual core machine I can say, that on my works now very well.

Have a nice day


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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