speech-dispatcher 0.6.2

Guy Schlosser guyster at buckeye-express.com
Sat Jun 2 16:04:48 EDT 2007

Hey there fellow listers, I have a question regarding 
speech-dispatcher 0.6.2.  I compiled it from source using the tarball 
at freebsoft.org.  When I execute speech-dispatcher after successful 
compile, I get a message that says unable to create pid in 
/var/run.  I've even tried this as root and have the same message 
displayed.  Is there something I'm missing?  As always, thanks in 
advance for all the help.  If this has been answered before, I'm 
sorry for duplicating the question.

Guy (ubuntu feisty user)
P.S.  Anyone know who to contact about getting a hold of IBMTTS? 
(viavoice for Linux)  I was reading on the LASR home page, and it 
seemed like you should be able to get a copy.

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