FC6 success

Adam MacLeod adam at adamm.ca
Sat Feb 3 13:57:19 EST 2007

Hi all.
Speaking of the DVD image for FC6, how would one go about downloading it in 
a Windows environment? From what I've seen, the image is only available via 
HTTP on speakupmodified.org, and Internet Explorer has a problem with 
downloading files greater than 2GB in size. Is there a way to do this 
without installing another browser such as Firefox?

Adam MacLeod

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Janina Sajka" <janina at rednote.net>
To: "Speakup is a screen review system for Linux." <speakup at braille.uwo.ca>
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: FC6 success

> Contrats, Albert. It's heartening to read about your success.
> Now that you have Fedora installed, you might want to add the Speakup
> Modified to your yum repository. That way you'll be able to yum install
> orca, lsr, the emerging accessible Firefox 3, and of course get the
> latest and greatest Speakup enabled Fedora kernels. To add the
> SpeakupModified to your yum repositories do the following as root:
> rpm -iv http://speakupmodified.org/speakupmodified-release.rpm
> You will need do this only once. After that, this repository will be
> one of the repositories yum checks when you install and update.
> To install orca and lsr you would do:
> yum install orca lsr
> And, to get the latest Firefox you would do a more elaborate
> command--because Firefox is still alpha software--all on one line:
> yum --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=speakupmodified-development install
> firefox
> Enjoy!
> Janina
> Albert E. Sten-Clanton writes:
>> It's un-freaking-believable!  This morning, I finally installed FC6!  I 
>> used the DVD image, installing from the partition on my hard drive that I 
>> gave the mount point of /home.  I got to this point partly by mistakes, 
>> but I finally got to it.  (I'd tried hard drive installations before and 
>> had failed in various ways.)
>> After rebooting, I found that I'd somehow missed Emacs and Lynx.  After 
>> doing some reading and some educated guessing, I used yum to get them 
>> both.  I might be missing other things I want; if so, I now at least 
>> think I can get them.
>> I owe the GRML folks a great debt:  I couldn't have done this without 
>> GRML or something like it.  It was a couple of things about GRML (or 
>> maybe Debian as a whole, I don't know) and time-setting hassles with it, 
>> that prompted me to retry FC6.  Still, if I stick with Fedora, I'm sure 
>> the GRML CD will continue to be a great aid from time to time.  And if I 
>> return to a GRML hard drive installation, I now know I can set it up in 
>> the partition scheme I want.
>> I of course wish I had found or been giving the solution to the mystery 
>> of the CD installation problems, but at least I finally seem to have 
>> circumvented it.  Having written about the blues here, I thought it only 
>> right to write about at least my initial success.
>> Al
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> -- 
> Janina Sajka Phone: +1.202.595.7777
> Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC http://CapitalAccessibility.Com
> Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and 
> Canada--Go to http://ScreenlessPhone.Com to learn more.
> Chair, Accessibility Workgroup Free Standards Group (FSG)
> janina at freestandards.org http://a11y.org
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> Speakup at braille.uwo.ca
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