a note for those patching 2.6.18 with current cvs

Gregory Nowak greg at romuald.net.eu.org
Wed Sep 27 23:23:25 EDT 2006

Hash: SHA1

Hi all.

Since I'm currently in the process of upgrading to linux 2.6.18, I
thought I'd post this note for anyone who wants to patch current
speakup from cvs in to a 2.6.18 kernel, but doesn't know how to go
about doing that.

First, according to the cvs mailing list, the patches for 2.6.18 were
submitted into the speakup cvs on August 14th, in the evening
EDT. Checking out cvs as of August 15th has patched for me into 2.6.18
without problems.

Now that we know that, you'll need to modify the checkout script. If
you don't want to mess with your current checkout script, then make a
copy of it somewhere else.

In the checkout script, you want to find the line that reads:

cvs co -P speakup || exit

and I've replaced that line with:

cvs co -D 'August 15 2006' -P speakup || exit

, which worked for me, though you can use any of the allowed date
formats as out-lined in the cvs manual. Then, just run the checkout
script in the way you'd normally run it. Hth some folks.


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