pdftk -- Making PDF Yet More Accessible

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Tue May 2 12:19:07 EDT 2006

There's a new PDF tool reviewed at:


Among the features of pdftk is the ability to fill out PDF forms from
the command line.

The above article also references a GUI front end to pdftk. I have no
notion whether the particular gui tool is also accessible, but the fact
that one can devise a graphical front end certainly suggests that one
might also be able to make an accessible front end for pdftk.

This tool looks worthy to me, worthy of additional exploration because
it performs functions otherwise not available on Linux/Unix platforms.


Janina Sajka				Phone: +1.240.715.1272
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada--Go to http://ScreenlessPhone.Com to learn more.

Chair, Accessibility Workgroup		Free Standards Group (FSG)
janina at freestandards.org		http://a11y.org

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