Help with muttrc file please

Raul A. Gallegos raul at
Thu Mar 30 11:15:56 EST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Hi. To set your reply address you can put in a my_hdr line like this:

my_hdr From: my full name <my_address at dom.ain>

Notice the capital F in From:. I'm not sure what the problem is with the 
mailcap entry. I don't have one set at all in my local .muttrc but I 
confess I have not looked at my global one in a very long time since 
things on this Fedora box wsorked pretty much out of the box.

OK, just looked at my /etc/Muttrc blobal muttrc file and the mailcap set 
is not set so I'm not sure why yours was.  Below I include my .muttrc 
file with notes. Feel free to use it if you like.

If one of the settings does not make sense you can look it up in the 
mutt manual which gives a detailed and easy to read explanation on what 
the actual setting is.

- ---begin---
# General Settings
ignore *
unignore From: To: Date: Subject: X-Mailer: X-ASK-Info:
unset allow_8bit
unset metoo
set   alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases
set attribution="%n said the following on %d:"
set autoedit=yes
set   delete=yes
set editor="/usr/bin/nano -t"
set fast_reply=yes
set forward_format="[%s (fwd)]"
set help=no
set mark_old=no
set move=no
set pager_stop=yes
set query_command="abook --mutt-query %s"
set quit=yes
set reverse_alias=yes
set reverse_name=yes
set reverse_realname=yes
set sendmail_wait=0
set sleep_time=1
set sort_alias=address
set tmpdir=~/.mutt/tmp

#this setting tells mutt in what order to display headers
hdr_order Date: From: To: Cc: Subject: X-Mailer: X-Spam-Status: 

#I found this setting interesting at times but is hardly needed
#set arrow_cursor=yes

#this is for my own knowledge
set beep_new=yes
set beep=yes

#I use postfix and this setting seems to help
set bounce_delivered=no
set bounce=yes

#I prefer setting this setting because otherwise sending mail can
#appear to come from a different address. With this one your
#envelop address will always be set to what ever you have in
#your From: header.
set envelope_from=yes

#more display options which are just personal choice
set menu_scroll=no
set sort=reverse-threads
set hide_thread_subject=no

#you may want to not use these if you have no need of gpg or pgp keys
set crypt_timestamp=no # don't tell me what time it is.                         
set pgp_auto_decode=yes
set pgp_timeout=3600
set pgp_verify_sig=yes
set pgp_autoinline=yes

#The following files contain or may contain personal information
#so I source them so I can easily share my main .muttrc file
#without having to edit out personal information. In the personal
#file you can put imap or pop passwords if you want but I just use
#fetchmail for that.
# Source Extra Files
source ~/.mutt/aliases
source ~/.mutt/lists
source ~/.mutt/pgp
source ~/.mutt/private
source ~/.mutt/hooks
- ---end---
- -- 
Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of this: that you are dreadfully like
other people.
		-- James Russell Lowell, "My Study Windows"
Raul A. Gallegos ... IliwSsmc
Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)


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