Speech Dispatcher under alsa

Hynek Hanke hanke at brailcom.org
Wed Mar 15 11:59:18 EST 2006

Tom Moore píše v St 15. 03. 2006 v 11:37 -0500:
> Is there any way I can get Speech Dispatcher to use the alsa interface and
> not oss?

Yes. Assuming you are using Speech Dispatcher 0.6, go to
etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/your_module.conf .
Search for


uncomment it and change it from "oss" to "alsa". Look bellow for
additional parameters (the default device for ALSA).

If you are using the generic output module, then the audio output
method depends on the form of GenericExecuteSynth in the appropriate
configuration file.

Have a nice day,

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