Software Speech problem on Debian

Kirk Reiser kirk at
Fri Jan 6 07:34:29 EST 2006

Hi Jim:  You may not have missed anything.  Is this a recent cvs
checkout of speakup?  The reason I ask is because the echo command
works when changing back and forth between loaded synths but it
doesn't properly load new modules and initialize them correctly.  Try
doing a modprobe on synth module initialization such as:

modprobe speakup_dtlk
modprobe speakup_sftsyn

and then load the speechd-up daemon after loading the softsynth
module.  I just made some major modifications to speakup's synth
loading method in early December and I am missing something with my
echo synth_name >/proc/speakup/synth_name method I haven't figured out



Kirk Reiser				The Computer Braille Facility
e-mail: kirk at		University of Western Ontario
phone: (519) 661-3061

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