speakup serial ports

chuckh at hhs48.com chuckh at hhs48.com
Thu Aug 10 14:34:18 EDT 2006


In this case, the speakup drivers were compiled into the kernel, since I 
was not using an initrd and wanted speech from the start of bootup. So 
speakup_ser=4 was out. But I was able to put the synthesizer on ttyS0, 
and use ttyS4 for brltty, which is less particular about such things. 
One thing I have noticed though is that when the brltty driver is 
loaded, the "continuous read" feature is lost. I no longer have that 
system here, and did not look into it further while I had it. Otherwise, 
everything got resolved okay.


The Moon is Waning Gibbous (97% of Full)
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