mirror at wisc.edu

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Wed Oct 19 15:26:30 EDT 2005

This is fabulous news. Has no one actually commented on this in the past
week since you posted? Somehow that doesn't seem right.

I see Speakup at this site grouped under 'distributions,' which sounds
appropriate to me! <grin> It sems there's a lot still missing, but once
fully mirrored it should prove fairly easy to maintain.

John G. Heim writes:
> My friend in the Division of Info Technology here at the University of 
> Wisconsin has agreed to add speakup to his mirror. He says he's downloading 
> stuff right now.  He also said he emailed the folks at speakup.org to make 
> sure it's okay.
> At any rate, it was easy to get someone to agree to mirror the speakup 
> files.  So I hope it's okay with the speakup folks.
> The address for the mirror is mirror.services.wisc.edu. That's a slightly 
> different address than the one I gave earlier. We actually have 2 mirrors 
> administered by 2 different groups.
> I can let the list know of the complete URL when it's completely ready. But 
> I'm sure there will be a link to it on the home page so if you go to 
> http://mirror.services.wisc.edu tomorrow or the next day, you'll probably 
> be able to find it.
> --
> John G. Heim
> jheim at math.wisc.edu
> 3-4189
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Janina Sajka				Phone: +1.240.715.1272
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://www.CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada--Go to http://www.ScreenlessPhone.Com to learn more.

Chair, Accessibility Workgroup		Free Standards Group (FSG)
janina at freestandards.org		http://a11y.org

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