a new and different dsl modem

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at shellworld.net
Sun Oct 16 19:29:32 EDT 2005

The old westell 2200 modem managed to get lost or stolen I can't be 
certain.  I took it to a volunteer organization that can do equipment 
testing among other things and it got lost or stolen there.  If stolen, I 
view that in the same way I view someone who steals a Bible, they must 
really need it and I hope they get all they deserve out of it.  I will be 
reimbursed for the loss since before the loss a technician took 
responsibility for the equipment.  The new dsl modem I have now is an 
actiontech gateway router modem dual combo with ability to work wirelessly 
or through conventional ethernet connections.  I'll be using conventional 
ethernet connections since I have no wireless cards and don't especially 
trust wireless security.  I did get a braille copy of the numbers to set 
up wireless and the modem's mac id and serial number all the stuff on the 
outside of the box so I'll have that option at some future date.  Is 
windows needed to do the first install of these modems or can adsl-setup 
and adsl-start and dhcpcd handle the job?

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