Fwd: Re: mirror at wisc.edu

John G. Heim jheim at math.wisc.edu
Thu Nov 3 14:03:48 EST 2005

The mirror at mirror.services.wisc.edu is sort of working. I did this:


and I got a download speed of 11 Mb/sec. note, that's not Kb/sec. It 
downloaded in about  30 seconds.  So that's a considerable improvement over 
what we were getting at speakup.org. Of course, being at wisc.edu, my speed 
was probably faster than what everyone else will get. I haven't tried the 
iso yet either. Don't know about it's integrity.

You can go to http://mirror.services.wisc.edu and click on 'browse the 
archive'. To get to the speakup stuff, click on linux and then on distrabutions.

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