iptables and apache virtual hosts

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Sun Mar 13 09:51:12 EST 2005

Hi, Scott:

The default software on the Linksys is just an interface to iptables.

But, the coolest thing about this device is that it runs Linux, and
Cisco has made the sourcecode available.

So, in typical open source fashion, there are now a plethera of
alternatives for use on the Linksys. Think of it sort of like choosing
between Debian, Slack, Gentoo, and Fedora. On the Linksys you can choose
Linksys's default, or Sveasoft, or OpenWRT, etc. I'm running OpenWRT and
it's wonderfully accessible:


Scott Howell writes:
> Janina,
> I've got a wrt54G so not sure how it compares to the router yo have. I 
> know in the router setup you can configure it to forward connections to 
> a particular server as opposed to having iptables do this for you. Now I 
> imagine to accomplish what your doing you probably need to use iptables 
> for the virtual domains, but not sure. I was wondering if you have setup 
> the router to handle the http reuqests or if you have the server setup 
> as a dmz.
> Scott
> >On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, Janina Sajka wrote:
> >
> >> $IPT -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $WAN -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
> >>
> >
> >What is $wan?
> >
> >Put in a way that will provide better info: what are these addresses?
> >
> >* The internal address of your router
> >* The address of the server's NIC, to which the router is connected
> >* Any aliased addresses on that NIC
> >* The apache "namevirtualhost" lines, and a few vhost blocks
> >* The apache "bindaddress" and "listen" lines
> >
> >Is iptables permitting established and related connections through?
> >Are any other services having problems?
> >
> >Luke
> >
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Janina Sajka				Phone: +1.202.494.7040
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://www.CapitalAccessibility.Com

Chair, Accessibility Workgroup		Free Standards Group (FSG)
janina at freestandards.org		http://a11y.org

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