Lost Insert After Upgrade

Luke Davis ldavis at shellworld.net
Thu Jun 16 16:57:42 EDT 2005

On Thu, 16 Jun 2005, Kenny Hitt wrote:

> First: Sarge is now stable  It went stable last week.  If you did a
> dist-upgrade after an apt-get update, you should have been upgraded to
> Sarge.
> The fact you saw 250 packages upgraded says you were upgraded to Sarge.

Yes, this is what I had assumed, even though my apt sources were still 
pointing to "woody stable" for both debian org, and "woody" on backports.

I recognized that this is what happened, but only after the fact.  It was 
about 250 MB worth of packages, not 250 packages; my mis-typage in the 
previous message.



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