mail getting lost question

Raul A. Gallegos raul at
Wed Apr 20 22:22:41 EDT 2005

I think I see the problem.  After reading my latest message on here and 
looking at the headers of the message it seems that postfix is sending 
out the mail directly without using the smtp-authentication I setup.  In 
short, this message when it goes out to postfix to send out is going 
directly to and not to my hosting service which is  This would make sense because if smartgroups blocks 
consumer ip address ranges or something similar then it would reject my 
mail.  If this is the case it's now a question of how to get all 
outgoing mail to use the smarthost I setup with either exim or with 
postfix.  I had this working fine with exim 3.x but since installing FC3 
it has exim 4.x and I'm not as familiar with it.  I followed a howto I 
found on google to setup smtp-auth using postfix but it does not seem to 
work either.

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