getting off my windows dependency

jim grimsby jimgrims at
Mon Apr 4 14:26:35 EDT 2005

>>>>> "JS" == Janina Sajka <janina at> writes:

JS> Why would browsing by line, word, or char be a browser feature? It 
JS> seems to me such functionality is the responsibility of the 
JS> assistive technology, not the browser.
Another good reason is if you were just using the speakup review keys
every time you go to the end of the page you then have to hit page down
move the speakup scan cursor to the top of the screen to review the next
page with it built in as it should be you can just review the screen
with normal browser commands.  This feature and knowing about it just
maid my day.  
Now all we need is a conf file with everything all setup this way so all
we have to do is put the file in place.  Maybe put it on the speakup
sight.  Also configuration files for mutt and other programs to make it
more speakup user friendly.  In this way when a new user comes along we
can direct them to these files and say here you go.  
Also remember that a lot of users such as my self come from windows and
are used to these features in there web browsing it does not matter to
the average user what is making it work as long as it does.  

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