Linux and data storage?

Luke Davis ldavis at
Wed Sep 29 17:32:16 EDT 2004

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> It was not until  ken  almost lost everything i have up here that i realized

He didn't, but you're probably not reading this, so I won't waste my time 
explaining that, or anything else.

> I am not discussing this any further.  No zip of this data.  Why are you 
> insisting upon trying to force this issue?

I've explained that (but maybe it was something you skipped).

> btw, I did not read all of your post.  I am very  busy at work and only 
> opened it at all out of respect for you.

Then I shall not trouble you further with having to open and read parts of 
my messages.  Trying to reason with you on this matter has proven a 
pointless exercise in temporal wasteature.

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