big problem with FC2 audio

Thomas Stivers stivers_t at
Mon Nov 29 14:29:49 EST 2004

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On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 02:21:58 PM -0500, David Bruzos wrote:
> Thomas, thanks for your help:
> I just tried the: aumix -m R, thing, but it still acts the same.  I have tried every conbination of aumix switches known 
> to man, but I've had no luck.  There is something I forgot to say in my last message: before my system started not 
> producing any sound from the "rec" utility, it was doing the same thing as my laptop.  It would record, but only nasty 
> noises.  See my other message...  Now, it is just silence.

Hmmm I don't know what could cause that off hand. I was just trying to
give the simple answer. If that doesn't work then I'm not sure.

> Do you use FC2?
> Can you record from the sound card?
> Can anyone else record from the sound card?

No, I use Debian, but the utilities should be the same. Unless Fedora
has done something weird with the kernel again. I have done quite a bit
of recording from the microphone and line in and haven't gotten strange
sounds. When I play back something recorded in one format in another
there is of course unpleasant noise, but if you're just using rec and
play without any options this shouldn't be the problem. Sorry I can't be
of more assistance.

- -- 
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan

Thomas Stivers	e-mail: stivers_t at
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


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