Effortless editing with Speakup

Alex Snow alex_snow at gmx.net
Wed May 12 18:54:34 EDT 2004

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then nano is probably a good basic editor. It looks just like pico but 
it's cursor tracking with speakup works better. if you're going to do 
some programmin ghthen emacs may be a better solution...from what I've 
seen it's almost as easy to use with speakup as nano and it's got a 
lot more features.
On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 03:28:09PM -0700, Debee 
Norling wrote:
> I'm not concerned if the editor is easy to learn. I just don't want to learn
> three hard to learn editors! I've been using computers even before Wordstar,
> and learning new editors stopped being fun about ten years ago.
> Most of my friends use emacs and there is always emacspeak to play with too,
> then. So guess I'll learn that.
> I telnetted in to my box and did use several editors fine with JAWS and my
> braille display under windows. So I guess that means I better upgrade my
> speakup. I wonder if I could just replace the slackware 9.1's speakup.i
> kernel with mine and if that would work. It took all night, but I
> successfully downloaded the first slackware 9.1 iso image and it boots fine
> and tells me that the speakup in that kernel is 1.5.
>        --   Debee
> (Deborah Norling)
> Alternate Media Specialist
> DeAnza College
> Phone: 408-864-5815
>        <MailTo: norlingdeborah at fhda.edu>
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- -- 
> I've hacked the Xaw3d library to give you a Win95 like interface and it
> is named Xaw95. You can replace your Xaw3d library.
Oh God, this is so disgusting!
	-- seen on c.o.l.development.apps, about the "Win95 look-alike"
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