google with lynx?

Janina Sajka janina at
Fri May 7 09:11:51 EDT 2004

That option is "show_cursor" -- I think a few chars where dropped at the critical point below.

Toby Fisher writes:
> On Thu, 6 May 2004, Roy Nickelson wrote:
> > hi,
> > how do you move between links in lynx?  i tried the arrow keys but that
> > doesn't work.  I am still trying to find a good browser for linux.  so far i
> > know of links and lynx and am not haveing luck with either one.
> In both browsers, in their configuration options, look for an option 
> called "how curon", this needs to be on.  This will enable Speakup to 
> track the cursor and you'll be able to go down the links individually, 
> though sometimes there's more than 1 per line so you'll have to read the 
> current word to figure out exactly which one is highlighted.
> -- 
> Toby Fisher	Email: toby at
> Tel.: +44(0)1480 417272	Mobile: +44(0)7974 363239
> ICQ: #61744808
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				Janina Sajka, Director
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				Governmental Relations Group
				American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

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