Doubletalk PC

Luke Davis ldavis at
Wed Mar 31 14:53:17 EST 2004

There are many.  To name the most popular for United States transactions:

buy, sell, trade:
bst-subscribe at

To: listserv at
Body: subscribe blindad Guy Schlosser

Bought and Sold by the Blind:
boughtandsoldbytheblind-subscribe at

And of course, my own Blinkmart:
blinkmart-subscribe at

All that said, contact me privately with the price or trade value you want
for it, as I have a guy with relatively little money, who needs one.



On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, Guy Schlosser wrote:

> Hi fellow listers:
> I'm wanting to put a Doubletalk PC board and speaker up for sale.  I'm
> upgrading my computer to a Pentium four, therefore I don't have an ISA
> slot.  Eventually, I plan to invest in a trippletalk USB since I hear it's
> supposed to work with Linux in the near future.  Is there a forum for used
> access equipment that I could put my doubletalk on?  The board is in
> excellent condition and does come with the speaker and driver disk.  Any
> help would be appreciated.  I'm thinking of selling the package for
> $150.  Is that too high?
> Thanks,
> Guy

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