Need direction please

Jeff Jacobson jeffjac2 at
Tue Jun 15 23:15:06 EDT 2004

Hi Greg,

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I was trying the cvs by executing the 
"checkout" script according to the INSTALLATION doc and the README.cvs
file; no luck yet. The cvs download succeeds. I'm just never prompted to 
configure speakup during the "make config" process in /usr/src/linux 
(which is linked to the 2.6.6 source tree in accordance with the 

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.


On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Gregory Nowak wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> You need to use speakup from cvs if you want to use a 2.6 kernel. See:
> Greg
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 08:30:55PM -0600, Jeff Jacobson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I.m new to the list. I.m trying to build a Linux system for a blind friend
>> of mine. The system is:
>> Dell Dimension TS500 . Pentium-3 @ 500 MHz
>> external DecTalk express
>> I currently have Debian 2.2.20 running on the machine, after many hours of
>> fussing to get the new 80gb disk installed properly and Xfree86 / KDE
>> running.
>> Now I learn that Speakup needs kernel 2.4.25, or later. I downloaded the
>> 2.6.6 kernel from, thinking I may as well jump all the way
>> if a kernel build is required.
>> After downloading Speakup 1.5 and running the .checkout. program in
>> accordance with the INSTALLATION document, I am not prompted to configure
>> Speakup. I.m following the directions carefully, but having no luck.
>> In the interest of not wasting several days trying to .recreate the wheel.
>> I thought someone on the list might get me going down the best path to
>> make this happen. I noticed the link on to the Debian floppy
>> creation for Woody3, but am trying to avoid reinstalling Debian after all
>> of the hours I already have invested in this current machine.s
>> configuration.
>> Would someone please be kind enough to advise me (as concisely as
>> possible) on how I should proceed? Maybe a fresh install is my only
>> choice?
>> Thanks in advance for any assistance.
>> Jeff
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