cell phones

Cheryl Homiak chomiak at charter.net
Mon Jul 19 20:06:27 EDT 2004

As I recall, Nextel+Motorola is doing something and so is cingular. I 
think one of them will be built-in speech and one will be Talx. I hope the 
one with but-in speech will be less expensive, as I really can't afford 
to buy a cell phone plus a software package that costs a significant 
amount. It's kind of a catch 22: I didn't hear nextel+Motorola having some 
of the feature I wanted, plus I think I could have some problems with 
changing to Nextel. But on the other hand, if nobody buys these models 
that could be interpreted as lack of interest and not worth the 
I haven't really heard too much about the owasys product though I remember 
Janina mentioning it before when we had a big discussion. I think I 
remember going to the website and not being able to find much, but I might 
have been in a hurry tat day. will have to look into it again.


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