A new Speakup Modified Installation HOWTO Released

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Fri Jan 2 21:19:37 EST 2004

gnome-accessibility-list-admin at gnome.org
Subject: Announcing the Speakup Modified Installation HOWTO 4.0

Announcing version 4.0 of the

Speakup Modified Fedora Distribution Installation HOWTO

In November Red Hat created the Fedora Project and released Fedora Core
1.0. The Speakup Modified Fedora Distribution was released shortly
thereafter at a new web address:


And now our widely used, thoroughly cross-referenced, plain speaking
guide to eyes-free Linux installation has also been revised to reflect
all the changes that come with the Speakup Modified Fedora Distribution.
Our Installation HOWTO is also at a new web address, so please bookmark
this location, or just download your own copy from:


Janina Sajka
Email: janina at rednote.net		
Phone: (202) 408-8175

Director, Technology Research and Development
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Chair, Accessibility Work Group
Free Standards Group

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