possibly a bad error

William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209 wacker at octothorp.org
Sun Feb 29 17:18:16 EST 2004


     Sorry it took so long to reply, but I wanted to try an installation 
with the latest disks.  Yesterday, Cris installed using the latest build 
of the installation, and I built a server this morning.  Two things come 
to mind.  Have you done the media test at the start of the installation?  
And, some times, just re-running the installation will get you over the 
Anaconda weirdness.  I know that it shouldn't work that way, but I've seen 
it myself.  If you have any questions, call or write.
Bill in Denver

On Fri, 27 Feb 2004, Stephen Clower wrote:

> Hi folks,
>   This afternoon I decided to give the Fedora installation a go and received an interesting error right after the Welcome message. The error said something about /lib/python2.2/ glib undefined, installation abnormally terminated, and then all of my devices were unmounted and I was told to reboot. If anyone knows what may have caused this error, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> Stephen Clower, that guy from the south.
> You can reach me by any of the following:
> E-Mail: steve at steve-audio.net
> MSN: steve at steve-audio.net
> AIM: AudioRabbit03
> You can also check out my little home on the web by visiting http://www.steve-audio.net
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