accessing bank online

showell at showell at
Wed Feb 4 19:30:40 EST 2004

Sure would accept they aren't connected to NASA in that respect. I can 
hit them with ADA thought, but wait it gets better. The gent who handles 
web development accessibility was thrilled to know I could access the 
site with Lynx and explained that they are trying to work with the 
vendor and there are plans to take that function over internally. This 
would allow them to do what they want on the front-end, but keep the 
third-party back-end. Now that is very cool. I think he and I will be 
working together. He's off to a conference in Florida, but I will be 
chatting with him again you can bet.

On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 09:57:12AM -0500, Janina Sajka wrote:
> Hey, Scott:
> I think you have weapons in your arsenal on this front that you should
> use, namely Section 508.
> Go git 'em, tiger!

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