The CDRom Switch Did it!

nick G Nick6489 at
Sun Dec 26 15:53:41 EST 2004

Hello to all you Fedora folks.  Recently, I recieved a pare of very reputable CD Drives.  The first, a Toshiba-Samsung SW-252-S burner, and yes Toshiba and Samsung did help with this drive.  The second is a Sony 52X reader.  The Samsung replaced a cheep, don't mind my profanity, piece of shit from Norcent that I've been using for about a year.  The Sony replaced what I thought was a rather nice Shuddle CD Drive.  THe swaps did the trick.  I think it was more the reader than the writer, but it could have been a combonation of both.  I will be installing Fedora 3 tomorrow, and I thank you all for your help.
Sincerely yours,

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