Speakup and phoebe

Kirk Reiser kirk at braille.uwo.ca
Thu Mar 27 13:33:38 EST 2003

Thomas Ward <slingshooter at valkyrie.net> writes:

> Hi, there wre several factors why speakup was pulled, but one of the 
> factors as I understand it was speakup screwed up the French keymap.
> I also heard people had problems building the kernels from source, and Red 
> Hat  ended  up deciding to pull it. I don't know the entire story on who, 
> what, where, and why speakup was pulled, but I heard it was hotly debated.

One of the things which struck me very funny about this whole
interaction was that although it was hotly debated, they never
actually bothered to write me about it until almost Christmas after
three months.  I guess they are all so arrogant they figure everyone
reads their stupid mailing lists.

Once they did contact me I fixed the problem within a day.  Go
figure.  So folks would rather bitch than communicate.



Kirk Reiser				The Computer Braille Facility
e-mail: kirk at braille.uwo.ca		University of Western Ontario
phone: (519) 661-3061

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