Speakup and phoebe

Thomas Ward slingshooter at valkyrie.net
Thu Mar 27 12:02:32 EST 2003

Hi, there wre several factors why speakup was pulled, but one of the 
factors as I understand it was speakup screwed up the French keymap.
I also heard people had problems building the kernels from source, and Red 
Hat  ended  up deciding to pull it. I don't know the entire story on who, 
what, where, and why speakup was pulled, but I heard it was hotly debated.
Two solutions at this point is if you know how to make kickstart files you 
can install sRed Hat via kickstart install. I've done it several times and 
is a good solution if speakup is not present.
Another option is to link two computers together via a serial connection 
and pass the command:
text console=ttyS0
to it, and do it via terminal connection.

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