problem with Apollo 2

Ilko Iliev iliev at
Tue Jun 3 03:01:16 EDT 2003


I am attempting to assist a friend who is just starting out in Linux.  He 
has an Apollo 2 synthesizer and is using Speakup.  Unfortunately, it 
appears that his Apollo 2 synthesizer is having handshaking problems or, 
more accurately, problems with chopping off words in the middle and then 
continuing them after more data has reached the synthesizer.  While no 
information is lost, words are split in such a way that makes using the 
Apollo a very arduous proposition.

This problem does not exist under Windows; it seems to only surface when 
Speakup is being used.  Can anyone who uses the Apollo synthesizer shed 
some light on this peculiarity?

Thanks in advance,


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