unbootable HD, the solution

Shaun Oliver shaun_oliver at optusnet.com.au
Tue Jan 28 03:29:55 EST 2003

Of course, it was my fault. It was the speech. It was the screen reader.
It was the OS. It was the everything except what it was--a bad hd.
How many times have I heard people say linsux linfucked and various other 
I tell you, it shits me. people critisize things they don't understand. 
and why's this? it's because they refuse to open they're minds to 
something different. something that is possibly one of the best operating 
systems around.
let's face it, I ain't had as much access to the installation of an os as 
I have to Gnu/Linux.
currently just for something different, I'm running red hat 8.0. I haven't 
had any problems with it apart frm a couple of bad hdds.
and those were due to one falling out of the drive caddy, and the other 
surcoming to a lose cmos batery.
but shit happens.
let's get out there and teach these poor unfortunates that when something 
goes wrong hardware wise, it ain't the fault of the os, or the screen 
reader, or the anything other than the hardware that fucked up in the 
first place.
I have a tendancy to get them back and blame windows for their constant 
bitching, complaining and various other ills for runningthat dreaded os.
that's my $0.02 worth.

Shaun Oliver

"We're upgrading /dev/null"

EMAIIL: shaun_oliver at optusnet.com.au
ICQ: 76958435
MSN: blindman_2001 at hotmail.com
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