text to html
Luke Davis
ldavis at shellworld.net
Tue Aug 26 23:54:13 EDT 2003
You are coming very close to suggesting that, because of her position,
titles, job descriptions, and knowledge, she should not be questioned.
Now, you didn't flat out say that, but you are standing on the line, with
your "pay attention!" comments.
By that logic, since Bill Gates obviously knows computers (after all, he
wrote DOS, *runs* the largest computer company in the known universe, and
used to have a position of sorts with IBM): he probably shouldn't be
questioned about his statements regarding computers. After all, who will
ever need more than 640K of RAM?
On Tue, 26 Aug 2003, Ann Parsons wrote:
> Hi all,
> I haven't been following this thread, but this message caught my eye.
> >>>>> "Sina" == Sina Bahram <sbahram at nc.rr.com> writes:
> Sina> Respectfully, I again ask for any evidence that my advice is
> Sina> contrary to any disabled person's accessing of the text. I
> Sina> myself am low vision, and use screen readers; however, I
> Sina> also use my site when I can. And I am telling you as a user
> Sina> that visually the pre element tag is not inaccessible. It
> Sina> also doesn't present any problems as does any part of the
> Sina> entire internet to a mobility impaired individual. Any part
> Sina> of accessing the internet might present some problems to
> Sina> such an individual; however, my advice delt with the web
> Sina> design of a site and I stand by it until corrected by
> Sina> someone knowledgeable about what their talking about.
> Someone knowledgeable about the subject? <sardonic grin> Um, Sina,
> Janina works for the AFB. Her job is to evaluate technology to see
> how accessible it is for the blind and others with disabilities. I
> believe that she is involved with the WAI Group, plus folks working on
> DAISY books plus a great deal more which I don't know about.
> Sina, my friend, you've just tangled with a tigress. If Janina says a
> given tag in HTML will not work or isn't accessible, then I'd tend to
> prick up my ears and pay attention. Indeed, if Janina tells you
> anything about HTML, XML, DAISY, or anything else having to do with
> computers and accessibility, well, I'd tend to pay attention. I have
> a feeling that she knows what she's talking about.
> As for web site accessibility for PWD and what is and isn't
> accessible, I can't say, except that there are sites that are not
> accessible for the mobility impaired because there is a time element
> involved in doing some of the interactive things on some web sites.
> There are lots of factors involved in accessibility.
> If you persist in tangling with a tigress, more power to ya, but---
> Ann P.
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