using speakup with festival or flite

Thomas D. Ward tward1978 at
Tue Apr 15 19:08:02 EDT 2003

I think kevin 16 k sounds the best.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jacob Schmude <jacobs at>
To: <speakup at>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: using speakup with festival or flite

> Hi
> I've never had a problem compiling flite, both on slack 8.1 and 9.0. What
> are the errors you're getting, maybe I can help you, as flite's a nice
> little synth, though unfortunately not yet running with speakup.
> Also, does anyone know what the best voice to use with festival is? I've
> tried Kal-16k (which is what flite uses) and don't really care for it
> I've tried to link it up with the mbrola voices, but doing so produces
> quite a lag in responsiveness. A pity, as these voices are quite pleasant
> to listen to. I guess I'll have to try the british voices.
> As for ViaVoice TTS, don't get your hopes up since ibm discontinued it.
> Worse, the copyright prohibits redistribution of ViaVoice, even though
> IBM's basically abandoned it. It certainly would be nice to see ViaVoice
> revived but I wouldn't hold my breath.
> At 11:59 4/15/2003 +0200, you wrote:
> >I have speakup working with Festival, I compile festival
> >from source and then installed speakup with the mods for
> >software synthesizer (had to compile a new kernel).
> >
> >I tried compiling Flite yesterday and the compile failed
> >(on slackware 9). I have never succeeded in compiling
> >Flite on slackware. I try it every time a new release
> >of slack comes out. Has anyone suceeded in compiling
> >Flite on slackware 9? Also, has anyone tried to get the
> >speakup mods for software synth working with Flite or
> >ViaVoice TTS?

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