Suggested Documentation Changes

Doug Sutherland wearable at
Wed Apr 9 19:55:54 EDT 2003

I'd like to suggest a few changes to the installation
instructions for these speakup mods for software synth.
The reason is that it was not very clear to me, and it
took me quite a while to figure this out. This is
what I suggest:

In this section:
 > Then get the latest copy of the speakup cvs:
 > % cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at login
 > % Password: please
 > % cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at checkout speakup

I suggest that you say
cd /usr/src
before doing the above

Then in this section
 > and unpack our modifications into it:
 > % cp /path/to/speakup-modifications.tar.gz ./
 > % yes|tar -xvf speakup-modifications.tar.gz

This relative addressing (ie ./) is confusing.
It would be much more clear to say this:

cp speakup-modifications.tar.gz /usr/src
cd /usr/src
tar xzvf speakup-modifications.tar.gz

What I did mistakenly was untar the mods inside
the speakup directory. That really messed me up :)
I was mislead by the phrase "into it" ... and the
docs don't say "where you are" (ie what is ./)

Then in the patching process:

 > then go and patch the kernel:
 > % cd ..
 > % cp speakup/install ./
 > % ./install

This really confused me. Again, this relative ./
stuff doesn't do much if the reader is not clear
where he should be in the heirarchy. This would
be a lot more clear:

cd /usr/src/speakup
cp install /usr/src
cd /usr/src

BTW the speakup docs are wrong because they say
to execute this install script from within the
speakup dir, which fails, because there is a
command cp speakup ... the script was obviously
intended to be run from the parent of the speakup
dir, which is a bit strange if you ask me.

I managed to figure this out and apply the patches
with no errors, but those docs confused me ...

Geez I sound like I'm complaining ... this is not
the case ... I am HAPPY to find this software
synth, so to Owen and ther others who did this
work: thank you!

   -- Doug

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