Slackware instalation issues

Adam Myrow amyrow at
Wed Oct 16 22:14:41 EDT 2002

The safe install (or automatic) uses a very long delay.  The trick without
going through the whole thing again is to use a text editor and edit
/etc/lilo.conf.  There will be a line saying "delay=1000" or some number.
The delay is in tenths of seconds apparently, as when I had selected a 5
second delay, it put in delay 50.  Anyway, if you just want to boot
without any pause at all, you could use 0 as the delay value.  I suggest a
short pause in case you have to type something.  For example, hold down
the shift key during the pause and type "Linux single" and you would boot
in single user mode which is designed for maintenance because it doesn't
run most of the startup scripts and leaves networking off.  Even more
extreme is "Linux emergency" which basically drops you at a shell prompt
without running anything but the bare bones.  So, a 5 second delay is
about right for me.  By the way, after editing the configuration file, you
would type "lilo" to reinstall Lilo.  The other option is to just type
liloconfig and you would start over with the interactive Lilo setup.  Good

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