Why does it need that much hard disk space?

Buddy Brannan davros at ycardz.com
Thu May 9 23:17:53 EDT 2002

Hi Toby,

Wow...OK, so what is it? Does Speakup, or does GNU/Linux, attract
hams? Seems we have a disproportionately large number of 'em on this
list. (Yes, here we go again...but I just noticed the callsign in the
Email address...)

Vy 73, de KB5ELV
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV/3  | I choose you to take up all of my time.
Email: davros at ycardz.com | I choose you because you're funny and kind
                         | I want easy people from now on.
                         | --the Nields

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