Question, ppp.

Thomas Ward slingshooter at
Wed May 8 18:44:16 EDT 2002

Hi, Red Hat comes with an really good program called wvdial.I use it for
most of my ppp stuff.
Simply, here is some simple steps.

1. Enter wvdialconf >/etc/wvdial.conf
This will attempt to find your modem, and other ppp info.
2. Open /etc/wvdial.conf in your favorite text editer, and uncomment the
phone number line, user name, and password, and put in your actual info.
3. Assuming all goes well log in as root and type wvdial &. Make sure to put
in that andpersant sign so wvdial is placed in the background.
4. To kill ppp type killall wvdial.

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