Instalation of Slackware 8.0 - help!

pkisz at pkisz at
Thu May 2 16:58:26 EDT 2002

I tried hard to install Slackware 8.0 with kernel 2.2.19. Have an
installation cd. To manage boot and root floppy disks was fairly easy by way
of rewrite.
Installation goes smoothly, I have done it many times. Then the
problemstarts. After rebooting , the machine is silent. Seems to be that
somehow speakup is lost. I start with loadlin, not lilo, from the DOS
patition. I tried both umsdos.gz and color.gz . Only way was to change the
kernel 2.2.19(as vmlinuz)
 to 2.2.16 and next add 3 files: dumpspk, loadspk and
speakupconfig. I placed the files into /usr/byn/The files were taken from
Zipslack which I have used since August 2000. I also have added some lines
into speakupconfig so it is possible to change language.
I have no kernel speakup.i in my Isolinux only bare.i etc. Only in
bootdsk.144 and tootdsk.12. When tried to put them as vmlinuz loadlin says:
setup is very old or wrong.
Thank in advance!
Prem Kiszkowski
Net-Tamer V 1.10.1  - Test Drive

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