RH 7.3 speaks during startup messages, but not at prompt or beyond

Janina Sajka janina at afb.net
Sat Jun 22 11:21:38 EDT 2002

On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Jon Dowd wrote:
> One - the text goes by so fast at startup,
> the voice cannot keep up and goes on long after the prompt has arrived.

Precisely. Text can be printed far more quickly than it can be
spoken--unless, of course, you raise the rate of speech to such a
high speed that you'd never understand it.

Learn to use Speakup's commands. In this instance, the ENTER key
on the numeric keypad will silence the speech which you probably
don't need to hear anymore.

> Two - after the prompt has arrived, there is no longer any voice. Not after
> I log in or launch an application. Just silence until I reboot and then I
> can again hear the startup messages, but nothing at the prompt.

You probably have your runlevel default set to GUI, which is
runlevel 5. Edit /etc/inittab and change it to text, which is
runlevel 3. You must be root to do this.

To get to a text login console do Ctrl-Alt-F1.

PS: This, and other traps the bline user must avoid are
documented in our installation HOWTO available on the Speakup web
site at:


> Is there a configuration file I should edit ?
> Thanks,
> --
> Jon Dowd jondowd at mind.net
> Support Technician 482-TECH (8324) or, 1-800 419-4804
> InfoStructure & IVO http://www.mind.net - 8am-10pm M-F, 10am-7pm Sat
> ---
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				Janina Sajka, Director
				Technology Research and Development
				Governmental Relations Group
				American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Email: janina at afb.net		Phone: (202) 408-8175

Chair, Accessibility SIG
Open Electronic Book Forum (OEBF)

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