newbie's first install

Jon Dowd jondowd at
Fri Jun 14 15:50:26 EDT 2002

Dear List,

I am going to attempt an install for a friend this Sunday; I have some
experience with installing Linux (RedHat, Mandrake) but mostly following
their installation menus and accepting default suggestions without too much
configuration experience.

I have downloaded and burnt RedHat 7.3 spk onto two CDs and installed it on
a test box and it seems to install OK.

My Friend has purchased a "DoubleTalk LT" synthesizer and I am seeking
assistance and pointers.

Where shall we begin ?


Jon Dowd jondowd at
Support Technician 482-TECH (8324) or, 1-800 419-4804
InfoStructure & IVO - 8am-10pm M-F, 10am-7pm Sat

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