gnupg files question

Gregory Nowak greg at
Thu Jul 25 20:37:37 EDT 2002

Hi all.

I just compiled and installed gnupg, and absolutely like it, it does everything Mcafee fortress did for me under windblows and more.

However, I have to think of the unpleasant possibility of how can I decrypt my files under windblows? The web page mentions that you need a "special setup" to compile it under win32. Since win32 does not have /dev/random and friends, this special setup doesn't sound like a walk in the park.

I tried looking for a trustworthy win32 package of gnupg that I could grab from somewhere, but didn't find one (I have to admit I didn't look too hard though (grin)).

So, my question is, does anyone know of a trustworthy source for win32 gnupg packages? Somehow, I have the sinking feeling that pgp 6.0 for windows would not decrypt .gpg files. Thanks for any help in advance.

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