limbo talking boot disk?

Aaron Howell aaron at
Tue Jul 9 00:04:53 EDT 2002

Hi there,
Is anyone looking at doing a talking boot disk for the beta redhat 7.3.92 (aka limbo)?
I'm wanting to test it at work if possible.
if not, is there a set of instructions (or even general hints) as to how to make one's own talking install disk and I'll endeavor to do it myself.
any advice much appreciated.

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+----------------------------------------------------------+    |
| Aaron Howell                  Kitten Internet            |    |
| aaron at           Internet consultancy,      |    |
| Phone: +61-417-625550         System administration,     |    |
| fax: +61-7-36010099           system design/integration. |    |
| icq: 6715521           |    |
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