suggestions for Speakup

Raul A. Gallegos raul at
Fri Jan 11 17:49:26 EST 2002

Kirk Reiser said the following on Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 09:48:17AM -0500:
> On another note, mentioning that something should be there because it
> is part of windows/dos screen review packages is a non-starter with
> me.  That means we should do something because it is available in that
> other o.s.  I base what needs to be done on what features seem
> reasonable to provide better access to linux.  I am not at all
> interested in keeping up with those other packages.  So if you folks
> want to make a comparison based on features, you might as well just
> piss off.

In that case Kirk.  How about scripting support for speakup.  *big
grin*  Oh, and don't forget about adding msaa support as well for using 
lynx.  lol.

Sorry, I could not pass that one up.  I'll go back to my hole now.

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