Speakup HowTo - Your input

Janina Sajka janina at afb.net
Fri Feb 1 17:44:40 EST 2002


Your suggestion is the right course. I agree wholeheartedly and look 
forward to working with you to build the best possible documents.

PS: I have high regard for your other documentation in the linux 
accessibility area--emacspeak, the Accessibility HOWTO ...

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Jennifer E Jobst wrote:

> Greetings,
> The purpose of the new Speakup HOWTO is to bring together a number of
> existing documents into a single cohesive whole, with the goal of making it
> easier for users to find and access any Speakup-related documentation.
> It is true that the "Speakup HOWTO" and the "How to Install the Speakup
> Modified Redhat Distribution" documents differ in some ways - different
> people may take different paths to achieve the same end goal, and this is
> reflected in the documents. Regardless, Saqib and I believe that
> contributors to the Linux community, be they developers, writers, etc, have
> a responsibility to create the best possible product for the intended
> users.  Janina, you are absolutely correct in saying that providing
> conflicting information would not serve users well. In addition, each
> document seems to contain important information which the other does not,
> and completeness is important in any document. As both documents are
> currently in draft format, perhaps we could work together to develop a
> solution that best suits the community's needs?
> Sincerely,
> -j
> Jennifer E. Jobst
> Linux Information Development
> IBM Linux Technology Services
> (512) 838-8298, T/L 678-8298
>                       Janina Sajka                                                                                                     
>                       <janina at afb.net>         To:       speakup at braille.uwo.ca                                                        
>                                                cc:       Jennifer E Jobst/Austin/IBM at IBMUS                                             
>                       02/01/2002 08:37         Subject:  Re: Speakup HowTo - Your input                                                
>                       AM                                                                                                               
> I've taken a very cursory glance at the "installing Redhat" section. I
> choose this because item because I don't have much time just now, and
> installing the Speakup Modified Redhat distribution is my assignment here.
> Off the top of my head I have noted several discrepencies between this
> document and Bill and my HOWTO. So, I have to ask Saqib and Jennifer, did
> you look at our HOWTO before writing this document? I would hope we'll not
> disagree on our advice to new users as that will most certainly complicate
> tech support here. Our draft HOWTO is at:
> http://www.linux-speakup.org/ftp/disks/redhat/HOWTO_INSTALL.html
> On the other hand, why not simply reference our document from yours? That
> should fix all of this.
> --
>                                                  Janina Sajka, Director
>                                                  Technology Research and
> Development
>                                                  Governmental Relations
> Group
>                                                  American Foundation for
> the Blind (AFB)
> Email: janina at afb.net                      Phone: (202) 408-8175
> Chair, Accessibility SIG
> Open Electronic Book Forum (OEBF)
> http://www.openebook.org

				Janina Sajka, Director
				Technology Research and Development
				Governmental Relations Group
				American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Email: janina at afb.net		Phone: (202) 408-8175

Chair, Accessibility SIG
Open Electronic Book Forum (OEBF)

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