ssl with apache

Gregory Nowak greg at
Sun Aug 4 21:38:25 EDT 2002

On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 10:13:34AM +1000, Aaron Howell wrote:
> As for generating your key files,  there is excellent information on that at under the ssl certificate section
> in a "how to secure apache using thawte ssl certificates" document (at least there was last time I looked.

There is a supposedly free guide called securing web servers with ssl (there doesn't seem to be anything specific to apache).

When you select that link, it takes you to this detailed form which requires you to fill out your e-mail, where you live, phone number, which domain you want to secure, how quickly do you need to have the domain secured, and some other stuff.

Is this the guide you were referring to?
It seems to me as if they are trying to make a sale (or at least have multiple sources where they can reach you to bug you about it) rather then offering a free guide.

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