Slackware 8.0 partitioning tools.

Gregory Nowak romualt at
Sun Sep 16 13:19:54 EDT 2001

What motherboard do you have?
Is it by any chance an Abit be6-II?
If so, then the bare.i slackware boot disk doesn't
have built-in support for the hpt366 on-board controllers.

On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 11:16:33AM -0100, Gordon Smith wrote:
> Hi Frank.  The drive should be bootable, as SuSE works just fine with 
> it.  Having said that, I use an external boot manager at present.  But even 
> this won't work if my BIOS isn't set right.  Yeah, my motherboard has 4 
> on-board IDE channels, permitting a maximum of 8 devices.  But I take your 
> point regarding the kernels.  Again, going back to SuSE, that does support 
> it directly.  As I said in a previous message, if I could only get hold of 
> a kernel for SuSE with Speakup I'd be happy to stick with it.
> At 06:48 16/09/01 -0400, Frank Carmickle said:
> >You didn't say you had two controllers.  That makes life a bit different.
> >First off the kernel needs to have support build in for your second
> >controller.  well really your third and fourth controller most likely.  I
> >do believe that slackware has support for the promise controllers built in
> >to the bare.i boot disk.  If not this could be a bit of a problem assuming
> >that is the kind of controller you have.  In either case it is probable
> >that the drive that is in question is really /dev/hde.
> >
> >If you need anymore help just call or write.  It could get a little tricky
> >to set this up and boot off of that drive.  Unless your thinking of
> >booting from a floppy the lilo config to boot this setup will prove to be a
> >learning experience for you.
> >
> >--
> >      Frank Carmickle
> >phone:     412 761-9568
> >email:     frankiec at
> >
> >
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